Aloe Vera Powder


Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe Vera Powder

No other plant has radically shaken up the medicinal world as Aloe Vera has. Cactus like in appearance and part of the lily family, the aloe vera extracts are widely used in almost every single form of natural health treatment. There are two extracts from the aloe vera plant that are commonly used - the inner gelatinous part of the leaf that is extracted and processed into a gel-like form, and the outer yellowy liquid from the skin that is dried and converted into a powder. This article talks about the health benefits of aloe vera and why an internal based aloe product is better than an externally applied one.

First, the benefits of external aloe vera products. These are products that contain the aloe vera gel and are typically used on the skin to help heal nicks, cuts, skin burns and scars. The gel kills bacteria, prevents infection and in general is a good healer of external wounds. The gel is equally popular in the cosmetic world as well where millions of dollars are spent in trying to integrate aloe vera into the various types of shampoos, moisturizers, gels and lotions that are commercially available.

This is no surprise since Aloe Vera is a natural moisturizer of the skin and helps to keep the skin moist when used externally. Aloe helps prevent the skin from cracking or flaking and is very common in countries where the weather is both cold and dry. Most pimple, acne and zit reduction products also contain the aloe vera gel. While it may seem that the gel has overshadowed the aloe vera powder, there is some significant research being carried out that are pointing towards the powder having a better effect than the gel.

Most doctors widely agree that any type of internal application is more effective than an external topical one since the internal application can directly act on the source of the problem without having to filter in through the skin. The aloe vera powder is so powerful in its healing abilities that it can heal skin related problems faster and deeper than the external aloe gel. Various studies have shown that ingesting an aloe-based pill has helped cure pimples and even heal acne scars 3 times faster than applying an aloe-based gel or lotion.

The aloe powder is so potent that is being used to treat more serious ailments including peptic ulcers, eczema, colon cancer, various digestive issues, Crohn's disease, IBS and various food-related sensitivities. The other health benefits of eating an aloe-based pill are that it provides stronger immunity, healthier life and helps with natural anti-ageing.

In conclusion, aloe vera has varied applications in external products like gels and lotions and in pills that are swallowed internally. While gels and lotions can help to some extent, there is absolutely no doubt that the aloe-based powder has more long-lasting benefits than an aloe vera gel-based product.

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